4 Step Strategies Teaching English For Children

English for children is one thing that is very important and a foundation controlled by the language of the future. Not surprisingly, parents are very eager to provide English education to children to expected to cas cis cus in English.
4 Step Strategies Teaching English For Children
For those of you who want to provide English language instruction for children. We recommend 4 surefire steps below in order to find success. Do not worry, because this step can also be used for both English teacher, a parent, or a brother. Okay, we immediately see and practice the steps one by one.

Prepare English language materials for children
Today, what would you teach a child? Do pronouns, tenses, the basics of speaking, or only limited vocabulary? By setting goals, then please you make matter to achieve that capability has been established at the outset. Instead, give camouflage material moves so that children are able to achieve the goal, but he did not feel learning English. Also, give the material with little capacity then focus.

As an example, we will teach a child to master the material pronoun. We make a camouflage material by creating songs contained elements of pronoun. Children were asked to listen to it, then get the point, and gradually memorizing pronoun through song.

That way it will be better than we come to the class by saying that today learn pronoun, then gave a note to the child. Of course, the child will get bored and do not even understand what pronoun when the teacher explained earnestly.

Selection method of learning English for children
After preparing the material, you also have to prepare a method of English for children. We have several articles on the English method is the method of silent way and audio lingual method. If you are interested, then try one of two methods.

Preparing the material and the outline of the bow teaching alone is not enough. You are advised to match with the principle of a method. Your material roughly matched applied using what method? Question it to yourself, and start using the techniques and methods that most fit with the material being prepared.

For example, we have to match the material principle pronoun above the audio lingual method. So, in detail we use the principles that exist in audio lingual method. But because the conversation techniques like audio-lingual method is considered boring, we switched to English songs.

Build attachment or engagement in teaching
Once you see a teacher teaching English frustration tub for children? he was confused because the children noisy, do not pay attention, and class became chaotic. Below are some steps to build an emotional attachment to the child.

The first stage, make yourself become a teacher cheerful and gentle. Children will feel affection if you behave that way. On the first day of teaching, you probably will not find it difficult because children tend to be submissive. But in the days that followed, began to look how the nature of each child.

The second phase, to learn the nature of children and know how to conquer it. For example, if a child is somewhat whiny, then make it move away from his friends the rather naughty. Also, do not give it words loud enough because it could disturb the psychological.

The third stage, do not be rude to the children. If you are rude to the kids, then they are not going to like you. Be strict teacher, spoke softly but children understand that you're angry.

In general, the key to teaching a child to be patient. Without patience, you just become a teacher angry and eventually hated by children.

Learning evaluation
After teaching and build attachment to the child, now it's your turn to evaluate. Ask them what they have learned and re-test their knowledge. close your class very well, and make sure children get the points of teaching today.

May 4 tips to teach English to children above can help and inspire teachers, parents, and brother of Indonesian children.