Where the Spirit We Go When We Sleep Medium? This is the answer

Where the Spirit We Go When We Sleep Medium? This is the answer - Sleep is an effective way to rest all the organs, including the brain after a full day of activities. With sleep, we can also loosen tense muscles and nerves. Therefore, it's night sleep is essential to maintain human health.
Where the Spirit We Go When We Sleep Medium? This is the answer
However, sleep is also often regarded as a small death that occurs in humans. How come? Because even while sleeping all the organs are still working and we still breathe, but we are in a state of unconsciousness.

Please also note that our spirits will leave our bodies were lying on the bed. Curious and makes one wonder is if indeed our spirits go when we sleep soundly, then where it goes?

Described in the Qur'an, where God reveals His word of God that the soul is held when the death of the person and a person's soul is also held by him though not dead and at rest in bed.

The soul of the person who has been detained by God he set his death and life that others will be released by God until a specified time.

We humans become know very well where the spirits go when people sleep. So, our spirits are not roads to anywhere indiscriminately but indeed our soul is held securely by the Creator. Therefore, we should be sleeping like that related by the Prophet.

Prophet in his saying says that a person who gets up from his bed, and back again, the fabric should wag three times before moving to continue to sleep and rise to the top of the bed again. Actually, the person does not know what happened when he left it. Then if stretched, it is advisable to read a special prayer to invoke the name of God who essentially surrendered to God and entrusting live entirely in the hands of His servants maintain his righteous.

There is a good suggestion that before going to bed after a day of activity, do not forget to perform ablution first. Many believe that sometimes you can not sleep soundly because plagued by spirits and the like, then with her ablutions, this will protect us against evil in any form. Coupled with prayer suggested earlier, the weapon was complete protection we have and do not have to worry because it is Allah that gives full protection. Ablution would be very useful to keep our body also remains in a state of holy even when bedtime.

That is the answer to the question where did our spirits during sleep. Thus, it is clear here and have missed where our spirits during sleep. Hopefully this information is useful and increase our knowledge of all, and makes us humans more grateful for each day are given the opportunity to gaze at the world every waking from sleep.
