Explanation of professional teachers in General

Explanation of professional teachers in GeneralTo understand the teachers as a profession seems to need to understand the sense of teacher and profession (professional). The teacher is a professional educator with the main task to teach, educate, guide, direct, train, assess and evaluate learners ... early childhood education on the lines of formal education, elementary education, and secondary education. 

Understanding the profession is the work or activity undertaken by someone and being a life that requires resources, skills, or skills that meet certain quality standards or norms as well as the need for the education profession. So a teacher educator is a professional whose job includes educating, teaching, guiding, directing, train, assess, and evaluate learners in school assignments that became living resources requires expertise, finesse, or know-how, which requires a certain quality standard or norms as well as the need for the education profession. 
Illustration Pictures : Explanation of professional teachers in General

The role of the professional teachers include three areas of service:

1. Instructional Services
The main task of an instructor teaching the citizens learn and have a must have; the authority and power of authority.

Authority, namely the right to create conditions which affect the opportunities of decision/people to take action. Something given/implied on someone ... The power authority, namely the inner glow that can inflict on the other party's attitude to acknowledge, accept, and comply with the full understanding over these powers

Five types of power authority that must be owned by a teacher:
a. Attractive power 
b. Expert power 
c. Reward power 
d. Coercive power 
e. Legitimate power

2. Support Services
The task of the teacher associated with the effort to help pupils overcome:
a. learning problems
b. personal problems

Therefore, teachers need to understand the guidance counseling program

3. Administrative Services
Demanding teacher to understand:
a. how school was owned directly and what the role of the teacher in it.
b. How to utilize the procedure and mechanisms of management of the school
c. how the teachers act in accordance with the Ethics Office
d. How teachers behave towards the task of teaching as well as with educational personnel who determine the success of the task to teach.

Generally, we say teaching is a profession, while the teacher was teaching profession of managing it. In connection with professional teachers, law teachers and lecturers elaborated the principles of professional teachers as follows:

a. call the soul interest has talent and idealism
b. has a commitment to improving the quality of education, faith, devotion, morals and noble.
c. have qualified Academy and education background in accordance with the field of duty.
d. Has the necessary competence in accordance with the field of duty.
e. have the responsibility for the execution of professional duties.
f. Obtaining an income determined in accordance with the work achievement.
g. has the opportunity to develop a professional on an ongoing basis with lifelong learning.
h. have the guarantee of legal protection in carrying out the task of professional teachers.
I have organizational professions who have authority, organize things related to professional duties of teachers.

In addition to the principles of professionalism of teachers expressed in law teachers and professors also expressed above, the comparison was labeled terms of teaching profession has ever put forth by the National Education Association (NEA) 1948:
a. Office of the intellectual activities involving
b. post to cultivate a special science of the torso
c. The position that requires a long professional preparation
d. the term of Office which requires an exercise in continuous current position
e. Office of the life and career of promising a permanent membership.
f. the position of which determines the raw (default)
g. Office of the unselfish service above personal gain
h. Office of the organization which has a strong and secured intimately

When we observe the principles of the above professional, working conditions in the world of education in Indonesia still have a weak point on any of the following

1) qualifications and educational background do not fit with the task. In the field, many of the teachers teach subjects which are not in accordance with the educational qualifications and educational background.

2) does not have the necessary competence corresponding field of a task. Professional teachers should have four competencies, namely pedagogical competence, cognitive, personality, and social. Therefore, a teacher in addition to skilled teaching also has a vast knowledge, wisdom, and be able to socialize properly.

3) Income is not determined in accordance with the work achievement. While this teacher achievers and overachievers who didn't get the same income. It's true now there is a certification program. However, the program does not give the opportunity to all teachers. Certification can only be followed by teachers appointed headteacher that in fact will potentially subjective.

4) lack of opportunities to develop the profession on an ongoing basis. Many teachers are stuck in routines. The authorities did not encourage teacher competency development towards self or career.

They would stuff it with the lack of opportunity scholarships that are given to the teachers and the lack of intelligent program teacher, for example, with the allowance reference books, periodicals, training etc.

Professionalism in education needs to be meant he does his job well. This means that teachers should be someone who has a gut instinct, most educators don't understand and comprehend the learners. The teacher must master in the depth of at least one academic field. Teachers should have the attitude of professional integrity. With integrity, then the teacher being the example or role models.
