The Concept Of Margaret Mead. This figure gives thoughts on lateral transmission. This concept assumes the classification of education based on age is irrelevant. But in the Lateral Transmission, Mead suggested that a process of education operates on knowledge sharing in those who have learned to those who do not yet know. Learning is stimulating curiosity. In facilitating the lateral transmission, education can be shared with primary education (primary education) and secondary education (development of basic education).
The concept of the Lindeman discusses that education is life and life is education. Lindeman's thinking confused with Mead. Lindeman-oriented education as the vicious cycle that does not culminate, where adult education can be characterized with last a lifetime which is a circle which is Unified. His approach is based on the situation, the needs and interests of citizens learning by making formal education as its Center.
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Adult Basic Education |
Robert d. Boyd, emphasis on Psychology point of view i.e. the maturity (maturity), independence (the independence of) citizens learn. Adults are mature and independent, private, and has undergone several stages of the psychological process that is different from the children psychologically. They already have their own standards, have the experience and need. The subject matter should suit his needs.
The concept of Chef field and Houle, according to he basically already have an adult lifespan in a phase of his life. When growing up he has had various roles that are far different from what has been experienced firsthand during it was children or teenagers. Core roles then have consequences for himself and the demands that must be the fulfillment. The process of compliance demands and needs that he needs to give birth to her to learn. So with these considerations, the learners (adult) carry out the learning process. Thus it can be concluded, there is a certain orientation-orientation for adults in the learning process. Adult learning orientation according to experts can be distinguished: Learning orientation, Sociability orientation, Personal goal orientation, societal goal orientation, need fulfillment (fulfillment) orientation.
The concept of Allen Tough was more focused on learning project is an effort of continuous learning, planned in ripe, and consists of a series of interconnected episodes. Episode learning is a deliberate time period for a series of activities that are similar or related, not punctuated by other activities.
Based on some of the blurb on the concept above, then adult education can be defined as education that is intended for adults in the community, so that they can develop their abilities, enrich their knowledge, develop skills, improve technique and qualification of professions who have, acquire new ways as well as change attitudes and behavior. Adult education takes place anytime, once cooked throughout life or mature, self-sufficient and independent. Not tied to a particular space with material that suits the needs of the residents learn primarily from the citizen experience study and delivered by democratic methods, open, mutual respect and the sharing of experience, supported by educators as a facilitator who has a philosophy of work and the desire of helping citizens learn.
Principal Assumptions Adult Education
Malcolm Knowles in developing the concept of andragogy, developing four principal assumptions as follows:
1. The Concept Of Self
The assumption that the seriousness and maturity of one's self, moving from the reliance total (reality in infants) towards self-development so that capable of driving himself and independent. In other words, we can say that in general children's self-concept is still hanging while in adults the concept itself is already independent. Because it's this independence of the adults need to get an appreciation of others as human beings capable of determining himself (Self-Determination) and able to steer himself (Self Ene). If the adult does not find and deal with situations and conditions that allow the incidence of self-determination in a training, it will cause a reaction or rejection is less fun. Adults also have psychological needs in order to become independent in General, although in certain situations there may be a dependency of temporary nature.
This led to the implication in the implementation of the education practice, particularly with regard to the climate and atmosphere of learning and diagnosis as well as the needs of the educational planning process.
2. The Role Of Experience
The assumption is that in accordance with the course of time an individual is growing and evolving towards maturity. On his journey, an individual experience and collect a variety of bitter experience life, where it makes an individual as a rich learning resource, and at the same time giving the individual a broad base to learn and gain new experience. Therefore, the learning technology in adults, there is a decrease in the use of such transmittal techniques used in conventional training and become more developed technique which is based on experience. In this case, it is known as "Experiential Learning Cycle" (the learning process based on experience).
This gives rise to an implication towards the selection and use of methods and techniques of instruction. Then, in the practice of training more use of group discussions, brainstorming, laboratory work, school field (field school), engage in the practice and so on, which basically seeks to involve the participation or the participation of trainees.
3. Learning Readiness
The assumption that every individual is increasingly becoming ripe in accordance with time travel, then the readiness of learning is not determined by need or academic or biological compulsion, but more determined by the demands of the development and changes of the task and social role.
This is different from a child, usually a child learning due to the demands of the academic or biological. But in adult learning, readiness is determined by the degree of their development that must be faced in his role as cadres, workers, parents or leader of the organization.
This brings the implications of the learning material in a specific education. In this case, of course, learning material needs to be tailored to suit the social role.
4. Orientation To Learning
The assumption, in children (the study) the orientation of education ' as if ' already determined and conditioned to have orientation centered on learning the material (Subject Matter Centered Orientation). Whereas in adults, have a learning orientation tends to be centered on solving the problems facing (Problem-Centered Orientation). This is due to learn for adults is the need to deal with the problems faced in everyday life, especially in relation to the social role and function of adults.
In addition, differences in assumptions are due also due to a difference in the perspective of time. For adults, learn more are to be used or exploited in time soon. As for the child, the application of what is learned is still waiting for a time until he graduated and soon. So there is a tendency in children, that study just to be able to pass the exam and obtain a higher school.
This raises implications against the nature of the learning or training material for adults, namely that such material should be practical in nature (needs) and can be immediately applied in the daily reality.